Cover art for Die Rebellion der Liebenden and Das Herzflorett by Marica Bodrožić
Illustrations for E. Edward Horne’s poem “Prairie Dusk” in Taproot issue 53: Amend and Amy Woschek Schmidt’s short story “Bringing News to Gray” in issue 18: Preserve.
Illustration for High Country News accompanying Miyo Joy’s Bell Prize-winning essay on contemplating parenthood in the midst of climate crisis
“Subterranean Secrets of Carlsbad Caverns” comic for the NPCA’s National Parks Magazine Fall ‘19 issue
selections from 2017 solo exhibition at Elsie's Tavern, Santa Barbara, CA
cover art and design for independent poetry release Living Without the Dead by Myra Bates
Illustration for Margarida Teixeira’s article “Invisible Women” in Are We Europe: The Silver Lining issue
“Phosphorescence” comic debut and interview in FORGE. Art Magazine issue 23: Trust